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meet the pastoral team

Pastoral Manager - Mrs Smith Learning Mentor - Mrs Sammé

At Rose Hill Primary School, the physical and emotional welfare of our children is considered essential to ensure that learning can take place.  Our dedicated Pastoral Team are committed to promoting the safety and wellbeing of all our children at Rose Hill.  Our team offers emotional support to all children and families. We pride ourselves on building positive relationships.  Children can come and talk to any of our Pastoral Team or any member of staff to discuss issues they may be experiencing. 

Our team look closely at each child’s attendance, identifying areas of support for both child and parent/carer and offer specific interventions such as growth mindset and nurture groups dependant on the needs of the child.  

Please feel free to call one of our team if you would like to discuss any concerns regarding your child.

                                       elsa at rose hill primary school

ELSAs are Emotional Literacy Support Assistants.  They are a specialist teaching assistant with a wealth of experience of working with children.  ELSAs are trained and regularly supervised by the Educational Psychologists. 

An ELSA is a warm and caring person who wants to help your child feel happy in school and to reach their potential educationally.  Their aim is to build your child's emotional development and help them cope with life's challenges.  The ELSA will help your child to find solutions to any problems they may have. 

Mrs Sammé is our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant at Rose Hill and provides weekly groups for our pupils.  She is trained to support children with social skills, social stories and therapeutic stories, anger management, emotions, bereavement and self-esteem.  Please do talk to her if you have any concerns about your child.


meet the young carers team

Assistant Headteacher - Mrs Harris Pastoral Manager - Mrs Smith

At Rose Hill we are incredibly proud that our school has achieved the Young Carers In School Bronze Award and we are currently working towards securing the Silver Award. 

We are developing our whole school approach to identify and support Young Carers at Rose Hill.

We will continue to work hard and are committed to achieving the best outcomes for our Young Carers and their families.


                                                                                 WHAT IS A YOUNG CARER?

A Young carer is a child or young adult who spends time looking after or helping a member of their family who, because of an illness or disability, mental health problem or drug and alcohol issue, is unable to take care of everyday tasks themselves
without some help.  The help a Young Carer may give could be shopping, making meals, cleaning doing the laundry, or perhaps helping out with nursing care, e.g. giving medication, bathing or lifting someone up and downstairs or in and out of bed.  A Young Carer may also give up their time just to be with someone when they need company.

Young Carers often experience negative impacts on their education, health and development as a result of their caring responsibilities at home.  When a Young Carer is identified (if they were not already known to us), we can refer to Signpost.  We deliver targeted interventions, leading to improvements in attendance and attainment - along with support for the families.  At Rose Hill we currently run fortnightly meetings for our Young Carers and have check ins with them each week to support them and their families.


One Stockport Family Hubs are one of the many wasy Stockport are bringing together services, organisations and groups that you can access in one place, making it easier for you to help yourself, your family and the people you care for.


Family Hubs support families from pregnancy through to young people aged up to 19, or aged up to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).  We can help with:

  • pregnancy and antenatal care
  • infant feeding
  • children's health and development
  • play sessions
  • SEND
  • parenting 
  • housing
  • cost of living support
  • training and employment opportunities
  • finding childcare
  • youth activities
  • help to stop smoking
  • drug and alcohol misuse
  • sexual health
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • relationships

For more information please visit Family Hubs - Stockport Council

Further Help

You can contact Mrs Smith by email via pastoral@rosehill.stockport.sch.uk

Signpost can be reached via their website: https://www.signpostforcarers.org.uk or by telephone on 0161 442 0442

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