Free School Meals Checker
The government provides extra funding to schools for every registered pupil meeting the specified financial criteria below. The purpose of this funding is to enhance the education of these pupils and bring their attainment in line with their peers. I am sure you can see the benefit and importance of registering your child so that we may receive this funding and give them the best possible start in their education.
Pupil Premium and Free School Meals are available to children of families in receipt of any of the following:
- Income Support
- Universal Credit (provided your earned income is no more than £616.67 in the last Universal Credit assessment period)
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income based Job Seekers Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit only with an income of less than £16,190
- The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
You can check here if you think that you may be eligible