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WELCOME TO patchwork

teacher - mrs HANDLEY

At Patchwork, we are dedicated to providing a curriculum tailored to the unique needs of every child.  For some children, this means following a curriculum based on the National Curriculum, adapted to ensure personalized support and success.

For those who do not access the National Curriculum, we provide a dynamic and engaging curriculum centered on exploration and discovery, incorporating both teacher-directed and child-initiated activities.  To further support their development, we integrate a sensory diet.  Our thoughtfully designed indoor and outdoor learning environments encourage children to explore, engage, and expand their knowledge and skills.  Carefully planned activity areas help foster essential skill development through play and discovery.

Our personalized curriculum follows the interests of each child, allowing for varied themes and topics that align with their passions.  This curriculum is rooted in the characteristics of effective learning and draws from the Early Years, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2 frameworks.

Important Information for Patchwork Families:

  • PE Sessions: Each child will have both indoor and outdoor PE sessions weekly.  The schedule may differ depending on the year group, so please ensure your child has their PE kit at school daily.  Each child will have a personalized timetable created in collaboration with parents/carers, which will be updated and sent home as needed.  Where appropriate, children may be linked to a mainstream class to access parts of their curriculum through an individualized timetable.
  • Forest School: Children will participate in regular Forest School sessions, which require specific clothing.  We will provide advance notice for these sessions.  Some children may join mainstream year groups for these activities, so session days may vary.
  • Reading Records: Please make sure your child brings their Reading Record to school every day.  Children who join mainstream classes will have a curriculum tailored to their individual needs, which follows the structure of their specific year group.  Please refer to the corresponding year group class page for further information.
  • Home Learning: We encourage daily reading at home to nurture a love of reading.  Practicing key maths skills through real-life activities, such as shopping, baking, or gardening, is also beneficial.  Children will have access to educational resources like Times Tables Rockstars and Mathletics for additional learning.
  • Communication: We use Class Dojo as our primary platform for sharing children’s learning and facilitating communication between home and school. This partnership with parents and carers continues throughout the year.  New Patchwork families will receive an invitation to join Class Dojo at the beginning of September.

Thank you for being part of the Patchwork community!  We look forward to an exciting and enriching school year ahead.

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