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From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real
difference to your child.  Attendance counts.

At Rose Hill we believe that face-to-face education is important in helping pupils to fulfil their potential.  During school time we believe pupils should be in class with their teachers and peers and enjoying all the benefits that brings.  

Parents or carers of a child have a legal responsibility to ensure their child receives a suitable education.  This is usually achieved through regular attendance at school. 

Rose Hill strives for every pupil to achieve 100% attendance throughout the school year.  

If you are struggling with getting your child to school for any reason, please contact the pastoral team at  pastoral@rosehill.stockport.sch.uk and we will be happy to support you and your child with any barriers to their attendance.  

Please visit www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school if you are unsure whether your child is well enough to come into school.

Why is it important to have good attendance?

                Days off school = lost learning time.

Being late also adds up to a loss of learning.

  • If your child is 5 minutes late every day, that adds up to over 3 days lost over each year.
  • 10 minutes late every day adds up to over 6 lost days each year.
  • 15 minutes late is the same as being absent 2 weeks each year.

Term Time Holidays

When children miss school for term time holidays not only do they miss out on important learning but they often take time to settle back into their learning routines.

The government is strengthening the rules around Education Penalty Notices.  These are fixed penalty fines which can be issued by the Local Authority where 10 or more sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence take place.  

They are most commonly issued to parents when a child misses school for a term time holiday taken without the permission of the school.

The new stronger rules will apply to all offences taking place after August 2024.

  • For the first fine issued after the start of the 24-25 school year, the fine will increase to £80 per parent per child if paid within 21 days, or £160 if paid within 28 days.
  • If a second fine is then issued to the same parent for the same child within three years of the first fine it will be for £160.
  • ·Subsequent offences - no further fines can then be issued if two have already been issued to the same parent for the same child within the previous three years (starting with the date of the first fine); instead the parent will be prosecuted by the Local Authority in the Magistrates’ Court.

It’s therefore more important than ever that parents arrange to take family holidays in the school holidays and not in term time. 

If you do wish to apply for a term time absence for your child where exceptional circumstances apply, please email your request  to admin@rosehill.stockport.sch.uk.

Does your child worry about going to school?

Please click on the links below which provide useful information on dealing with Anxiety Based School Avoidance.

Attendance Counts Worried Poster
Attendance Counts Runny Nose Poster
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