At Rose Hill Primary School we are an inclusive community that aims to support and welcome pupils with medical conditions.
We aim to provide all pupils with all medical conditions the same opportunities as others at school. We will help to ensure they can through the following:
- The school ensures all staff understand their duty of care to children and young people in the event of an emergency.
- All staff feel confident in knowing what to do in an emergency.
- The school understands that certain medical conditions are serious and can be potentially life threatening, particularly if ill managed or misunderstood.
- The school understands the importance of medication being taken as prescribed.
- All staff understand the common medical conditions that affect children/young people at this school. This school allows adequate time for staff to receive training on the impact medical conditions can have on pupils.
- Staff receive additional training about any children/young people they may be working with who have complex medical needs supported by an Individual Health Plan (IHP).
Please take the time to read our Medical Conditions in School Policy on our policies page, under Statutory Information, as this is followed and understood by our school community, the Local Authority and Stockport Foundation Trust.
MEDICINE DISPENSED IN SCHOOL CAN ONLY BE DONE SO WITH PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM AN ADULT WITH PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY. Wherever possible, we ask that three times daily antibiotics and other medicines are given before school, after school and at bedtime. Please use the form below to provide full details and instructions of how the medicine should be administered in school. We are unable to administer intrusive medication such as eye cream or ear drops. All medicines must be handed in to the school office with a signed form. Hard copies are available if required.
Children diagnosed with Asthma may require an ongoing care plan, so please speak to the office staff for assistance.